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Martha Wadsworth

Martha Wadsworth is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology. She got her B.A. (1995) and Ph.D. (2001) from the University of Vermont and completed her pre-doctoral internship at the University of Washington. Martha’s research interests include: child and adolescent stress and coping, poverty-related stress’ role in health disparities, and family strengthening and coping-based programs to counteract family stress. The overarching goal of all of Martha’s ongoing projects is to understand the role of stress in contributing to health disparities and to build a knowledge base of coping (& other protective mechanisms) tools that show efficacy in combating stress at both the phenomenological and biological levels. Ultimately, the goal is to apply this knowledge to building interventions and programs that will help combat and prevent health disparities. When not at work, Martha enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, skiing, white-water rafting, hiking, gourmet cooking, and entertaining.